Modding KOTOR on Android
Hey guys, well ive been modding my android version of KOTOR for a few weeks now and i recently made a post on this subreddit mentioning it. ive had a ton of PMs asking me how i did it and stuff so i figured i'd make this mini-guide. I have just finished a 12 hour shift and i am rather tired, so excuse any mistakes :P
Now, most texture mods are real simple, a literal monkey could install them. These have 100% compatibility no matter what phone you have, but be aware, go too high resolution and your game may start to lag, depending on your phones hardware. Most modern phones should be fine, but id steer away from any 4k texture mods unless you have a top tier phone/tablet.
For texture mods, you literally just navigate to "Android/data/com.aspyr.swkotor/files/". You can do this with a file manager app on your phone, or hook it up to a PC and do it that way. Once you're inside the "/com.aspyr.swkotor/files/" folder, you'll need to create a new folder called "Override". Just drag and drop your texture mods into the override folder. Bada-bing. Done.
For more advanced modding,like the KOTOR Restoration project or anything that uses "TSL Patcher", you will need a PC. Just using a file manager on your phone aint gonna cut it. Its also a lot more complicated and, depending on the specs of your phone, may not be possible. You need generally 4gb+ of RAM in order to install the complicated mods without it crashing, especially if youre also running texture mods. It will also use up a lot more space on your phone, so you better have 1-2gigs of free space.
Now, once youre sure your phone can handle the mods and you have your pc ready. Lets rock. Hook up your phone to your PC and navigate to "Android/obb/com.aspyr.swkotor" and you should find 2 ".obb" files. A main file and a patch file. These are just fancy named .zip files so any un-rarer or un-zipper will deal with these fine. Open them with Winrar or whatever and extract them to your desktop. So now you should have 2 folders on your desktop, the main folder and the patch folder.
Next step is to copy all of the files from the patch folder into the main folder. Overwrite if it tells you to, but mine didnt. After this you can delete the patch folder as we have the 1 combined folder we need now! This single main folder you now have on your desktop is your game install, basically.
So for any mods that need TSL Patcher, you can point the patcher to this folder and it will install the mod absolutely fine. For any texture mods just move them to the Override folder, or follow the mods specific install instructions. You now have a real game instlal folder, just like a PC copy. BE AWARE, if you fuck up with the install order then you may have compatibility issues, just like you would on PC. I cant help with that, read the mods you want to install :P
Once you have all the mods you want (Seriously, this better be it as its a bitch to redo this x.x), hook up your phone again and navigate to "Android/data/com.aspyr.swkotor/files/". Copy paste everything thats inside the main folder into this "" folder.
So now your files folder on your phone should be full of the folders and shit that was in that main folder on your desktop. Once this is done, thats it. The mods are now installed. You can delete that Main folder on your desktop and play your android KOTOR will full mods :P Keep in mind, if you installed the mods in the wrong order, overwrote things you shouldn't of ect. then it may have comparability issues like crashing ect. This is exactly the same as on PC, so i urge you to read the mods youre installing.
If you're still here, i'd love to plug /u/Snigaroo's excellent Mod Build Guide. If you follow his instructions there, installing the mods in the order he has listed them you will have no issues whatsoever.

Please bear with us while we work to make this website fully operational.