Mod Build Changelog
Please bear in mind that this changelog only reflects major "Revision-level" updates and immediate hotfixes which follow them; constant iteration work and support are performed on the mod builds over the course of their lifetime, so don't let a seeming lack of updates be a cause for concern! If you want to see how frequently the install instructions are amended, you can check how recently the Nexus versions have had their downloads section updated.
With apologies for the very long delay, we are back! Revision 11 is now live. This Revision marks the beginning of a paradigm shift in the design of the mod builds, refocusing on integrating content created specifically for the mod builds (this, coincidentally, is why this release took so long--we were making mods!). While we will always include any new content we see that we believe meets the mod builds' standards, henceforth we are going to be placing a much greater emphasis on bringing in content intentionally designed to compliment the mod builds. This Revision is a bit of a hybrid between the two concepts, but the next Revision will focus heavily on custom content. But that's for the future!
This Revision's highlights include:
- As usual, integration of several dozen mods for both games
- Integration of a new, extremely high-quality HD cutscene package, so crisp it blows even the previous HD cutscenes away
- The creation & integration of several "Thematic"-series mods by JC and myself, including our (thus far) magnum opus--KOTOR 2's "TOMB"
- Fixing of a particularly long-lived and vexing lighting issue on Taris that made many of the surfaces painfully reflective
- Sunsetting of Reddit support for the mod builds. The mod builds are now principally hosted offsite on, with satellite hosting continuing as Steam guides and Nexus downloads; the builds themselves, as well as support for them, will no longer take place on reddit. Primary support migrated to the Discord at
- Merry Christmas! A new piece of restored content by JC, an alternate ending for DS characters who romance Carth, has been integrated!
Several dozen new mods across both games.
Several mods for KOTOR which also work for KOTOR 2 have now been integrated into the KOTOR 2 build list, to make the games more visually consistent across builds and improve overall graphical fidelity.
Added information on all mods indicating how they are installed (loose-file, TSLPatcher, etc.) and whether or not they are compatible with non-English game versions. De facto, this now makes the builds compatible with non-English game versions, although for the moment, out of necessity, several mods must be skipped when not playing in English.
Conversion of all .tga-based upscale mods to .tpc, saving several GBs of download size and space on disk.
Thanks to further collaboration with ShiningRed, tightened up the AI upscale mods to remove the last problem textures, and integrated most of the Nar Shaddaa upscale, which was previously excluded.
Offsite support: the mod builds are now hosted on both the Nexus and on Steam as Steam Guides, not just reddit.
After the most implausible series of delays and problems I've ever encountered, finally, the new build release is out! Highlights follow:
Fully supported mobile builds!
Complete and fully-tested AI upscales of almost all areas and characters for both games!
Dynamic lightsaber lighting & reflections for both games in all game areas.
The inclusion of LDR's amazing A Crashed Ship on an Unknown World mod for KOTOR, in my opinion the best piece of added content ever made for these games, hands-down.
- After careful consideration, I've ceased support for Jorak Uln's Endar Spire Overhaul and Sith Base Overhaul mods, and lowered the priority of Telos ORIGINS to Optional. I feel these mods modify the base aesthetic too much to allow for a visually coherent experience, and the game is best-served by removing them.
- Integrated changes from the recent update to the KOTOR 2 Community Patch.
New builds, just in time for the holidays (and the movie, but who cares about that).
Migrated the mod builds themselves to four separate reddit wiki pages, to deal with issues of space. And Chrome lagging every time I tried to open the build thread.
Integrated AI-upscaled cutscenes for both games thanks to the work of /u/naelavok!
Swapped out Handmaiden for Females/Disciple for Males for PartySwap, which allows you to get both the Handmaiden and Disciple in a single playthrough!
Integrated optional 3D directional sound for both games.
- Replaced Robes for Korriban Sith Students by Shem with Korriban: Back in Black by JCarter426, which is a much more vanilla-friendly interpretation.
Updated K1 and K2 builds—my present for the merger!
Updated all MEGA-hosted mods which have received base mod updates since the last build update. The delay in maintaining these files was an oversight which I'll make sure doesn't happen again.
Integrated additional widescreen support for KOTOR 1—we now have widescreen menus! The old 800x600 static menus are now a thing of the past for players using UniWS!
Fully removed the TSL Overhaul mod. The previous build used only about 75% of its modules in a test state to see if balance could be enhanced while removing the most egregious problems, but in this test I found the loot lists were still wildly out of balance. I regret that so many players experienced the game under my recommendation with this mod installed, even after I added the balance warnings to it I did; I hope to improve in the future and ensure that a mod that so massively alters balance such as this does not make its way onto these builds again.
- Removed Marauder mods which were integrated into the Marauder Fix Pack from the K2 Build.
Brand-new builds for KOTOR and KOTOR 2!
Temporarily moved the TSLRCM download from Deadly Stream to ModDB.
Significantly modified the Overhaul TSL modules utilized in the KOTOR 2 builds, and entirely removed it from the spoiler-free builds; my sincerest apologies for the unbalanced experience which the last build provided. The current build, while still somewhat (although less) unbalanced in terms of loot, is now fully balanced for realistic combat difficulty.
- Extended Enclave back to full support after isolating an issue caused by using it alongside Overhaul TSL.
- Plugged in SithSpecter's High Quality Blasters for TSL.
New builds once again for KOTOR 1 & KOTOR 2!
Implementation of a mod category system in addition to the tier system; now you can see what category a mod's changes fall into and its tier side-by-side.
Implemented some mods from the Nexus, and migrated some downloads from my MEGA backups to Nexus equivalents with screenshots.
Builds are up and supported again!
New builds for KOTOR 1 & KOTOR 2!
Full host migration. All non-Deadly Stream mods are now hosted on MEGA.
Implementation of a mod "tier system." I now make it more clear which mods I believe are important to use for the best experience and which are optional.
Heavily reworked the installation framework of the builds. Now includes:
More obvious author attribution
A new tier system designed to better inform users about my opinion of the quality/importance of every individual mod to the build as a whole
More detailed download & installation instructions
Screenshots (for those mods that don't have them and which I could procure; more screenshots forthcoming in the next build)
Changelogs prior to 8/20/2016 were not kept, but the mod builds were shared in early forms as far back as 2009, and they first appeared on reddit in May of 2013 (Release) and underwent four major Revisions before changes began to be tracked.

Please bear with us while we work to make this website fully operational.